Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Iraq Facts

You want facts? You get them. Continuing on my "lift the whole thing, they're smarter anyway" blogging, here's some perspective from Gateway Pundit:

What? No ticker-tape parade?
This may be the first unofficial announcement by the mainstream media that the US is winning the War in Iraq.

In only 4 years the US has ousted one of the world's most brutal dictators ever and helped replace his regime with a democratically elected government- Doing this without the backing of one political party, without liberal Hollywood, with numerous security leaks, with interfering politicians, and with a hostile antiwar press that continually misfires with bogus news stories.
Not bad!
Now, go to the link and see, graphically, the actual statistics about Iraq when compared with other American wars. History will judge our military achievements as extraordinary.

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