Tuesday, September 25, 2007

10 Rules For Health

With the ridiculous new research about getting precisely 7 hours sleep, I thought I'd review some ways to stay healthy, easily.

  1. Be happy. Happiness means a happy heart.
  2. Have lots of friends and family and pets.
  3. Eat when you're hungry. Stop when you're full.
  4. Sleep when you're tired.
  5. Eat 80% fruits and veggies 20% protein. Eat it if it's walked the earth or grown on the earth. You'll get your carbs, don't worry.
  6. Exercise. Incorporate physical activity into your daily life--park in the back of the lot, climb the stairs, walk the dog, dig out the weeds, mow the lawn, ride your bike with the wife, play catch with the kids. Walking and swimming are the best aerobic exercises that protect joints. Thirty minutes a day will do ya.
  7. Avoid smoking, go light on caffeine, moderate on alcohol, and steer clear of recreational drugs. Pot might not kill you, but it won't build your health.
  8. Learn something new. It will get you naturally high. Really. An active mind is a healthy mind.
  9. Viral and bacterial infections are a sign that you need to slow down and de-stress. Slow. Down. Rest. Drink water. Avoid dairy.
  10. Stay in the moment. Mental health problems come from dwelling in the past and being mad about it=depression. Or worrying about the future=anxiety. In the moment, you can't do either. So stay busy.
Oh, and there's another one. In fact, it's the most important:

Go to church. People who go to church are healthier. Belief in God, higher thoughts, prayer, joyous worship (singing ups endorphins), and community help keep you healthy. Just make sure you clean your hands after shaking all those hands. Most bugs are passed by human contact, not through the air. And um, men, you're the worst offenders. Wash your hands for Pete's sake!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pointers. Thanks!