Sunday, September 30, 2007

Resting the Mind, Wasting the Time

I am on hiatus and will be back Monday or Tuesday next week--that's October 8. It's a relief, really, to not be blogging nonstop, but I am also suffering pangs of guilt daily. Blogging is a disorder.

Because of my location, I'm mainly getting my news via cable. There are three topics:

  1. The freak in Nevada who raped that little girl.
  2. Myanmar
  3. John Edwards' racist remark about black men.
If I watched exclusively cable for my news, I'd be profoundly depressed. How do the news organizations live with themselves? They are so superficial and empty.

Other news:

So, Duke's President apologizes. And he's going to help other institutions navigate such difficulties? What horse dooky. Parents, don't let your children to grow up to be Devils (for more than one reason.)

There is more Columbia talk. Meh. Who am I kidding?

I just don't have the enthusiasm to pay attention right now. It's not that I think there's nothing important happening, it's just that other, more important things are happening for me, here.

The important thing I'm doing? Nothing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Blogging is a disorder", you say...which made me laugh. That may certainly be true, however, I can think of many far worse disorders than blogging. Blogging keeps the mind active and on top of things. Info is shared with others and it's lots of fun. Great disorder to have!

Glad you're not doing "nothing." I love those times. Have fun!