Monday, November 05, 2007

Tap Water: The New Leftist Sacrament and It's Green TV Not Green Tea To You, Bub

Religion looks different. No need to go to church to get a guilt trip these days. The local university or turning on the TV will do just fine. Eric from Classical Values laments the new wrinkle on the Leftist religious folk:

Well, hey, I drink tap water, but only because I'm a cheapskate. However, all this talk of taking a politically correct "pledge" not to drink bottled water makes me feel like running out and buying several cases on general principle.

The activists are also screaming that bottled water leads to war:

The Women's International League of Peace and Freedom has launched a three-year "Save the Water" campaign, on the notion that drinking bottled water encourages privatization, which can lead to wars over water.

This really shouldn't come as a shock, because I heard about a recent incident involving an employee who was scolded at work for drinking a bottle of water from Fiji. Until then, I hadn't known there was such a thing about politically incorrect water, so I asked, and I was told that the objection was that because bottled water is transported, while tap water comes out of the faucet, that bottled water eats up more carbon than tap water, and the longer the distance from the source, the more carbon is burned.
Gaia might unleash her wrath--wild fires, hurricanes, general tohu and bohu will commence.

The water obsession is just the most recent wrinkle on the purity Ché shirt. Last night, while iChatting with my brother, he tells me to go turn on NBC. Why who is it but that smug little troll Bob Costas and his band of merry metrosexual men airing their greenness via candle-light while the fifty big screen TVs blare behind them. Keith Olberman looks much better in low lighting, though, so there's that.

How very conscious of NBC. How noble! The guys looked like they were on a candle-lit date. It makes all kinds of sense if you go to the Church of Gaia. Turn off the lights and leave the place buzzing with EMFs from TVs and sound equipment. They probably hopped on the corporate jet to get there in time to moralize. Nothing like a good hypocritical preacher to make you catch the spirit.

And the best part? The little peacock turned green, too. Cute! Who says football announcers are block-headed jocks? It's great to seem them get in touch with The Feminine.

To get serious for a moment. If people want church there are better religions with much better preachers. And the newer preachers seem far more tolerant than our Leftist brethren.
Listen to Joel Osteen's morality and then listen to Keith Olberman. Whose church do you want to attend?


David Foster said...

"airing their greenness via candle-light"...wonder what it the aggregate power consumption of the transmitters at all the NBC affiliates airing this show. I'm quite sure it is a large multiple of the power consumed by the studio lighting....So, if they really want to make a statement about energy consumption, they could just go off the air for several hours per day.

Anonymous said...

"airing their greenness via candle-light"...

Mother Gaia (soon to come in the flesh next November) must be pleased by such opulent devotions on the part of Her special pets.

P.S. I use both tap AND bottled water. The bottled water acts as an emergency reserve in case of major earthquake, a constant danger in Southern California.

Anonymous said...

I thought the Live! Matt Lauer remote from the Arctic was the height of irony. I am sure it is cheap to light the blackness of the Arctic to video Matt's brilliance.
