Thursday, January 10, 2008

Republican Debate


Ron Paul is a loon.

There are too many on this stage. No one can get a cogent thought out there.

The crowd loves Huckabee. He has a soothing voice and open face and it almost doesn't matter what he says.

Romney bugs me. Just plain bugs me.

I love Thompson. Why isn't he doing better? 

I like Giuliani, too, and he's got an ice-cube's chance at this point.

And McCain sounded good especially with military stuff, but he seems one-dimensional.

Did I mention that Ron Paul is a loon?


Unknown said...

I agree that Ron Paul is a loon... did you see some of the faces that McCain and the others were making when he spoke? funny stuff

Sister Honey Bunch/Judi maloney said...

I really like Thompson too. I couldn't handle Ron Paul. Had to turn the tv to apprentice. Loons there too.