Friday, April 25, 2008

More Teenage Mothers From Polygamist Compound

Twenty-five more women under the age of 18 are baby factories in service to the polygamist FLDS cult. I mean they are mothers of children who have been taken custody by the great state of Texas. The notion of children being yanked from parents who love them is repugnant. The notion that children are being used to serve pedophiles disguised as religious leaders is also repugnant. I wonder how old these girls are and how old they were when they were "taken" as wives.

By the way, I continue to cover this topic, not because it is salacious, but because it has serious implications all the way around. This is a church-state issue. Civil liberties of all Americans are at stake here. Casting judgment on polygamy is studiously being avoided by the press (substitute Muslim polygamists anywhere you see Morman and then you'll know why no one dares say anything). The behavior of Child Protective Services is coming to light. In short, this case touches many American sacred cows and it's worth paying attention to them.

1 comment:

Wayne said...

"The behavior of Child Abductive Services is coming to light."

There. Fixed it for ya.