I'm going to start on a spiritual note. What is it like to be spiritually abused? A Christian talks about how her ten years in spiritual darkness.
"Did Wright matter?" Yes. Wright will matter in the general. And Gaius writes about the failure of the press in dealing with Obama. As an aside, BlueCrabBoulevard has such a pleasing layout. And I really like the date next to each post. The whole website is restful. Obama is omniscient. Aren't all saviors? Oh, and MKH highlights the press bias with photographic proof (via Cassy at Wizbang) . Amazing that the MSM can do what they do with a straight face. Give me a break.
Something more to worry about if you're so inclined: Geomagnetic storms.
I love Firefly. You know this. Nerd alert: So does Rachel. Shiny! (For what it's worth, I'm a Mal girl, myself, but I do so, so love Kaylee. She is just yummy!) And I'd like to remind Firefly lovers why Mal is hotter than Jayne. When Jayne sold out his crew Mal nearly blew Jayne out the hatch. Captain Malcolm Reynolds showed Jayne who was boss. Yes, sir!
Why is there no sympathy for Muslims claiming discrimination? Canadian Muslims cry foul and Mark Steyn defends himself and answers.
It is time to discuss the ugliness that are Crocs. They are fine for children. Although, they do leave kid's feet stinky in adult rugby player ways. Whew!
No freaking way! Al Gore is an opportunist? Nooooo..... It's perfectly fine to exploit the deaths of over 60,000 people to bring up your pet theory. Perfectly. Fine.
Is the middle class drowning in debt? No.
Cry a sartorial tear for Hillary. If you can muster the emotion.... No tears here.
Stephen King hates the military and he's a moron. Sorry, to family members who love him, or rather, love his freaky writing.
Be careful talking sexy on the internet. Don't say you haven't been warned.
The right to free speech is trumped by the right to an abortion. What?
You know the dude who imprisoned his daughter? Yeah, well he raped someone back in the day, was convicted and spent time in prison, but guess what? Stupid Austria doesn't keep that crime on the books after fifteen years so it's like it never happened. And when his daughter went missing, no one asked because no one had the info to ask. You have got to be kidding me.
60 years of Israel. Why weren't they named Jewland?
Just a reminder to hit the awesome blogs in my blog roll. They are there for a reason. I love them!
ohhh! I'm a firefly nerd too! LOVE it. Love the music for the opening credits, love all the them. LOVE Joss Weadon!!! LOVE HIM!
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