Monday, January 02, 2006

Goals: Dreams Made Practical

All sorts of research shows that people who WRITE their goals achieve far more than the average bear. They make oodles more money (Harvard MBA students who wrote their goals--there were three of them in the class of 100 or so studied--made more than the rest of the class combined. Those who had goals in their head--top twenty--made over twice as much as those who had no goals.) and they achieve more of what they want.

Before everyone sniffs indignantly about our materialistic culture, I think you should read this about energy exchange first and then come back to goal planning.

The Internet provides lots of resources when it comes to goals. This guy quotes billionaire H.L. Hunt who says that you should "1) Put your life's goals in writing and 2) Pay in advance.

Gene Donahue (whoever he is) provides Seven Steps for goal writing.

Gavin Ingham talks about the S.M.A.R.T. Method for goal writing. To me, there is a problem with the SMART method, though. That is the first step is: Small Steps. Sometimes it is easy to get so bogged down in doing it right, according to a proscribed way, that nothing ever gets done. Sometimes the old Nike motto works best: JUST DO IT!

This site has inspiring quotes about goals-- and those who have them.

What can happen when people write goals is that they focus on one thing and that one thing causes imbalance in every other area of their life. While I think that one thing is better than no thing, here are the areas in level of priority that are good to focus on:
  1. God--How's your spiritual life? Do you have the humility to recognize that you're not the biggest cheese in the universe and need help, guidance, mentoring and a broader perspective? Have you repented (oh, I know some of you will hate the use of this word, but all it means is CHANGE--and some of you will hate that word even more, but oh well) of the things that have interfered with the life and mission you're meant to have? Start now and get clean and move on. Next, work on manifesting more love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, gentleness, mercy, kindness.
  2. You--How are you? Are you healthy? How's your energy? How's your stamina? How's your strength? How's your flexibility? How resilient are you? If any of these areas lack, write something positive on your goal list this year.
  3. Creativity--You may protest: but I'm not creative! Actually, you probably are, you just don't know it. Each of us have at least one gift--gardening, computing, teaching, parenting, woodworking, waitressing--you name it. Whatever it is you create--gardens, code, curriculum, childrearing, art, customer experiences: do you do it with love, integrity? Are you going through the motions? Don't. Fashion your life and what you make with purpose. You are known by what you create--our children and our gifts reveal our character.
  4. Career--How's the job? Does the work suit you? Do you work hard even if it doesn't? Where do you want to go from here? Are you stagnent? Are you swept away in the current of doing and ending up where didn't expect? Steer your career.
  5. Family--Do you honor your heritage? Do you tend your family with the same vigor you pursue things? Is there a peace that could be made that you haven't made? Do you easily forgive? Anger, resentment, rebellion often have their roots in the past and often rest at the feet of our family. Decide how you want to live today and change the failed legacies while building on the ones that are successful.
  6. Reputation--Funny thing to put on the list isn't it? Our reputation is often the result of the combined forces mentioned before. A good example though is Martha Stewart: one slip marred her reputation. She is winning it back, but that is much harder work than keeping it to begin with. Also, being known is a way to get good work out there. So while being humble and possessing grace is desired, being known in the community shouldn't be shunned. In fact, hiding your light is selfish. So give more!
  7. Relationship--How's your marriage? Do you know that the #2 determining factor for success is the partner you pick? Guess what destroys wealth faster than just about anything? That's right DIVORCE. Invest in your relationship. Focus on it like you do your fishing boat, your business, your football team, your shoes--give the relationship some love, it will pay you back ten-fold.
  8. Worldview--How can you expand how you see the world? Travel helps you to see from other points of view. Mentors help too. Not everyone can be a sales expert, health expert, money expert, etc. We all need help. Get some. Ask God for some.
  9. Knowledge--There is a scripture that says "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Are you self-unaware? Did your education stop in High School? People who achieve greatness know themselves and therefore know others. People who don't know themselves are very easily exploited, because you can bet other people have you figured out. Take time to reflect. Read a new book. Think a new thought. Seek truth. Be open to learn more.
  10. Abundance--Notice this does not say money or richess. There are too many people in the world who have more than everything and are sad because they perceive that their next door neighbor has more. What a pathetic view of life. An abundant life is a contented life. This does not mean complacent and self-satisfied or lazy disguised as some spiritual better-than-you-ness. That too is filled with vanity. No, real abundance is an attitude. A heart. Abundance is the sense to know that "I'll be happy when..." is a stupid statement. "When" is now people.
Long-winded, this list was. (Yoda talk.) These principles don't have to have literal pictures on your dream board or minutely detailed goals on your list for 2006. It is good to have the ideas floating around your consciousness, though, when coming up with what you want for your whole life.

Wishing all my dear readers, all two of them, a very happy, fulfilled 2006. Many blessings, friends!


  1. Anonymous8:50 PM

    wonderful list! getting ready to make my new dream board as well and I will try to dream BIG!!!!!

    Wishing you, Mr.Dr. and the kids a very blessed, fulfilled and happy 2006!
