Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Handy Manny's Pervasive Racism

Bloggers live glamorous lives. We're like Hollywood starlets except were older, don't shower often and wear pajamas to the grocery store. Wait, that's just like a Hollywood starlet. While I sit here cranking out the content, one of my progeny uses me as a jungle gym when he's not watching Disney Channel or Noggin. I have become intimately acquainted with kid-fare and it's generally as repugnant as adult-fare. No wonder TV ratings are in the crapper.

Exhibit "A" is Handy Manny--the ode to Mexican immigrant greatness. I'm a huge fan of the industrious work-ethic that seems to be woven into the Mexican culture. I can personally attest to the fine work that Mexican-Americans contribute to our country and economy. Handy Manny exemplifies these traits. More power to him. In contrast to old Hanny Manny, though there is another character: Mr. Lopart. Mr. Lopart is be-speckled, be-fuddled, so smart he's stupid, messes up everything he touches, rather weak and feeble, and refuses instruction or help from anyone, even those who know more than him. In short, Mr. Lopart is the worst cliché of the middle-aged, white American male.

It makes me sick. Watch just the first 30 seconds or so. You'll see what I mean.

The Mexican, black, and oriental characters are all kind-hearted, have something broken and have the sense to get help from the super hero Handy Manny. Not Mr. Lopart. He's the stupid white guy. Watching it once or twice is one thing. Seeing this racism every single day is galling. And this unspoken but obvious message is burned into the hard drives of America's children. So parents, pay attention. Indoctrination begins young and could be happening right under your nose.

Cross-posted at Right Wing News


Unknown said...

I'm glad I just read your blog. It is exactly what I have been saying since my son started watching several months ago. Put this same show on the air, but reverse the roles and the story would be everywhere.

Unknown said...

The racism is offensive, but the fact that the character is named "Lo-Part" should also be analyzed. Is it not an obvious reference to male genetalia? Perhaps this cartoon should be racked on grounds of obsenity?

Wesley Kang said...

Handy Manny has many other white characters, other than Mr. Lopart. How can one character make the show racist? (And pervasively racist, lol). Especially when there are many other archetypes of the white male in media. The white male is almost always the protagonist of EVERY show on television and you complain about ONE show where a white male is rather stupid? I guess you wouldn't have been upset if Mr. Lopart was black, huh? Try watching shows and movies where Asian males are almost always stereotyped as weak, nerdy, emasculated, or speaking broken English. There is NO other archetype for them. There are not five other Asian people on the show and one of them is a stereotype. It traditionally was that the ONE Asian person would be a stereotype, written in by white writers that wouldn't know how to present an Asian person except as a stereotype. That is Racism, my friend. Thankfully it's changing, but I guess it doesn't matter as long as we preserve the white man's power at all costs.

Anonymous said...

豆豆聊天室aio交友愛情館2008真情寫真aa片免費看捷克論壇微風論壇plus論壇080視訊聊天室情色視訊交友90739做愛成人圖片區080豆豆聊天室 台中情人聊天室桃園星願聊天室高雄網友聊天室新中台灣聊天室中部網友聊天室嘉義之光聊天室中壢網友聊天室南台灣聊天室南部聊坊聊天室台南不夜城聊天室南部網友聊天室屏東網友聊天室台南網友聊天室屏東聊坊聊天室網路學院聊天室屏東夜語聊天室一網情深聊天室流星花園聊天室真愛宣言交友聊天室上班族f1影音視訊聊天室哈雷視訊聊天室080影音視訊聊天室援交聊天室080080哈啦聊天室台北已婚聊天室已婚廣場聊天室 夢幻家族聊天室摸摸扣扣同學會聊天室520情色聊天室QQ成人交友聊天室免費視訊網愛聊天室愛情公寓免費聊天室拉子性愛聊天室柔情網友聊天室哈啦影音交友網哈啦影音視訊聊天室櫻井莉亞三點全露寫真集123上班族聊天室尋夢園上班族聊天室成人聊天室上班族080上班族聊天室6k聊天室粉紅豆豆聊天室080豆豆聊天網新豆豆聊天室080聊天室免費音樂試聽流行音樂試聽免費aa片試看美女交友聊天室色色網聊天室交友情人視訊網0401成人交友080哈拉聊天室成人交友聊天室嘟嘟成年人網洪爺成人影片嘟嘟成人網免費視訊免費視訊聊天A片免費a長片線上看色情貼影片免費a長片本土成人貼圖站大台灣情色網台灣男人幫論壇A圖網嘟嘟成人電影網火辣春夢貼圖網情色貼圖俱樂部台灣成人電影絲襪美腿樂園18美女貼圖區柔情聊天網707網愛聊天室聯盟台北69色情貼圖區38女孩情色網台灣映像館波波成人情色網站美女成人貼圖區無碼貼圖力量色妹妹性愛貼圖區日本女優貼圖網日本美少女貼圖區亞洲風暴情色貼圖網哈啦聊天室美少女自拍貼圖辣妹成人情色網台北女孩情色網辣手貼圖情色網AV無碼女優影片男女情色寫真貼圖a片天使俱樂部萍水相逢遊戲區平水相逢遊戲區免費視訊交友90739免費視訊聊天辣妹視訊 - 影音聊天網 080視訊聊天室日本美女肛交美女工廠貼圖區百分百貼圖區亞洲成人電影情色網台灣本土自拍貼圖網麻辣貼圖情色網好色客成人圖片貼圖區711成人AV貼圖區台灣美女貼圖區筱萱成人論壇咪咪情色貼圖區momokoko同學會視訊kk272視訊情色文學小站成人情色貼圖區嘟嘟成人網嘟嘟情人色網 - 貼圖區免費色情a片下載台灣情色論壇成人影片分享免費視訊聊天區微風 成人 論壇kiss文學區taiwankiss文學區自拍美女聊天室日本成人短片洪爺影城後宮影城777成人網卡通a片下載麗的娛樂網999成人性站成人影音live秀成人貼圖區線上免費情色電影愛愛成人影片下載情色成人影片BT情色下載論壇小弟弟貼影片區A383成人影音城免費視訊妹妹聊天室亞洲風暴情色論壇熟女人妻無碼電影分享xxx383美女寫真八國聯軍成人咆嘯小老鼠波波情色貼圖辣妹影音視訊聊天室後宮成人電影下載小弟弟貼影片成人卡通影片jp日本成人圖片ET成人文學維克斯論壇色美媚部落格 2免費影音視訊聊天室嘟嘟成人美女短片免費試看成人貼圖站愛島交友聊天室偷窺自拍貼圖片區台灣18成人網 - TW台灣18成人網嘟嘟情人色網台灣論壇土豆網 - 影片下載av片-sex貼片免費辣妹視訊聊天網6k聊天室台灣美女自拍網WretchXD下載av成人網歐美視訊自拍外流影片分享3P牛奶妹無碼影片分享岡琦美女 A片下載自拍美女聊天室網路 視訊 美女小弟弟貼片sex888免費電影666成人動畫小莉影像館林志玲寫真集sexy girl video movie173影音live秀080中部人聊天室utPC聊天交友網msn情色聊天室自拍美女聊天室環球影音城情色貼圖- 中國美女666情色貼圖免費視訊聊天hilive tv免費電影4u成人論壇美女情色視訊聊天室曼雪兒免費小說VeryCD - 分享網際網路777成人區玩美女人影音秀情色性愛貼圖小魔女自拍天堂深夜成人聊天社區成人色情小說線上成人影片線上免費影片線上影片線上影片下載後宮視訊影音

Unknown said...

Ignore Steve (or Esteban or whatever the f his real name is). Apparently, he doesn't understand what racism is and he sounds as though his head is so far up his butt, a dozen proctologists and 6 internists couldn't remove it. I have, unfortunately, watched several episodes of this program that teaches children that racism/sexism is OK so long as it's directed toward white males. Lopart isn't the show's only white idiot. There are few white males but those who do appear, the shoe store owner, for example, are all total douchebags and the butt of every joke. The white, presumably cute (these are cartoons) women, Kelly for example, are spared the disrespect; presumably because of the implied potential for relationship between Kelly and Manny. I guess this counterbalances the fact that he's inordinately enamored of his tools (no pun intended though it does sound good, eh?)

Unknown said...

P.S. I also thought same as Harry regarding the name; what a coincidence, huh? I thought it was a reference to the male genitals; basically calling Lopart (Low part) a "dick" , just as he is portrayed.

Unknown said...

P.S.S. I guess he hasn’t figured it out yet that we’re not “Steve’s” “friend(s)” and based upon his abject obliviousness to the incessant white male bashing that has occurred on TV for the last decades alone, he is plainly some sort of cave-dweller.

Unknown said...

PSSS I promise this is my last comment but "Steve's" hyperbole is just too flagrant not to address. "Many" White characters on the show---not really. let's see---there's Lopart, Kelly, the shoe store dork and uh, Lopart and Kelly and...) I guess counting is out of the question for him. Or perhaps the cartoon renderings have confused him. Maybe the myriad racial minorities depicted all appear to be Whites to him.

Unknown said...

I lied—1 more post.-> I stand corrected. Apparently, judging by his particular brand of touchiness, Steve is an out-of-touch Asian. He’s still so sore over stereotypes of Asians that virtually ended a 40 years ago that he now feels that racism against white males is OK. Maybe it would help Steve if he knew that TV was and pretty much is still controlled by white males who are also Jews. Then he can better direct his bitterness. He states: “I guess you wouldn't have been upset if Mr. Lopart was black, huh?” That is hilarious---as if anyone would really do that and if they did, the ACLU, NCAAP, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the USDOJ and a host of other people and orgs devoted to African-American anti-defamation would be suing, threatening to sue and whining more loudly than 10 million infants in wet diapers.

Unknown said...

Oops----corrected version (haste makes waste and all that)
I lied—1 more post.-> I stand corrected. Apparently, judging by his particular brand of touchiness, Steve is an out-of-touch Asian. He’s still so sore over stereotypes of Asians that virtually ended 40 years ago that he now feels that racism against white males is OK. Maybe it would help Steve if he knew that TV was and pretty much is still controlled by white males who are also Jews. Then he can better direct his bitterness. He states: “I guess you wouldn't have been upset if Mr. Lopart was black, huh?” That is hilarious---as if anyone would really do that and if they did, the ACLU, NAACP, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the USDOJ and a host of other people and orgs devoted to African-American anti-defamation would be suing, threatening to sue and whining more loudly than 10 million infants in wet diapers.