Monday, November 05, 2007

John Hawkins Interviews Ann Coulter

I think the notion that she's a comedienne before anything else is accurate:

How about dashing off a quick sentence or even just a word or two about the following...

Nancy Pelosi: Ever heard the expression "she could screw up a train wreck"? She's such a blithering, blinking nincompoop she can't even get congressional gridlock to run smoothly.

Harry Reid: A gift from God to the G.O.P.

Media Matters: Media might matter, but "Media Matters" clearly doesn't.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: One of the most pro-American speakers ever invited to lecture by Columbia University

Keith Olbermann: The Ward Churchill of MSNBC

Al Gore: America's favorite gay Vulcan.

Elizabeth Edwards: She never calls me anymore when I'm being interviewed on live TV. Was it something I said?

CAIR: N.A.A.C.B. - The National Association for the Advancement of Car Bombers.

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