New Blog
Ok, people. Today, I'm forcing you to go over to the new blog if you want to read what I'm writing. will get you there.
I n f o r m a t i o n * P o l l i n a t i o n
Ok, people. Today, I'm forcing you to go over to the new blog if you want to read what I'm writing. will get you there.
Posted by Melissa Clouthier at 7:41 AM 44 comments
Being terrorist's metaphorical friends is not the same thing as actively working against one's own government, but that's exactly what Nancy Pelosi has done. No doubt, being in bed with terrorist scum will endear her to her constituents, but will average voters like it?
And there's this: How will Barack Obama respond to the House Leader's actions? No doubt, he'd be thrilled to have a member of Congress actively undermining the United State's interests were he to be President. Of course, he'll probably be working to undermine America's interests, so they'd be working together.
Cross-posted at Right Wing News and Melissa
Posted by Melissa Clouthier at 1:25 PM 35 comments
You know you've been bad when your next 40 lives will be spent in prison.
Posted by Melissa Clouthier at 1:14 PM 18 comments
"Senator Obama talks about bringing hope, faith and change to American politics. We now see this is all just political 'doublespeak.' One of his top priorities as President would be protecting abortion rights and even expanding them. If elected, Senator Obama would become 'The Abortion President,' with the most extremist policies on abortion of any President in history.David Brody says:
"Senator Obama's views on abortion are so radical that he even wants American citizens to pay for them. This would include Catholics, Evangelicals and all people of faith. He would also expand abortion rights through his passionate support of The Freedom of Choice Act.
This is Obama’s challenge with Evangelicals. He can talk about the social justice issues all he wants and yes, it resonates to a certain extent but unless he moves on abortion (not likely) he’ll have a problem. If he shows some support for parental notification laws or the annual fetal pain bill that moves through Congress then that will help insulate him to a degree on the extremist abortion tag.Abortion as social injustice undermines a key Democratic tenet that matter to conservative Christians: taking care of the poor and neediest and being a voice for those who don't have one. All sorts of individuals find a home in the Democrat party because together, they have more power. But still, these people have voices and often loud mouths--which, in itself, calls into question how oppressed they truly are when everyone knows exactly what they
Posted by Melissa Clouthier at 12:08 PM 4 comments
Terrorism in New York? Well, who knows what this was intended to do, but a thief stopped the maddness.
Posted by Melissa Clouthier at 10:52 AM 3 comments
Hey patriotic peeps, welcome back to work. Over the past month or more, I've been working with Daniel Summers putting together a new blog. Why has it taken so long? Because I have big ideas and he has a full-time job and that job doesn't happen to be technical director for Melissa Clouthier. Blogging doesn't pay that well.
Anyway, today is going to be my first day over at the new blog I will be experimenting around with it during this very busy week, so things might be weird here and there. You can always check back here. And, of course, I'll be putting up two blog entries over at Right Wing News daily, too.
For those who couldn't navigate back to the front page of the new blog, just click anywhere in the header on my name, Voila! You'll be back. You're welcome to give me feedback and ideas. I appreciate your patience while things are being put back together.
Posted by Melissa Clouthier at 9:55 AM 3 comments
Now the nasty (pretend) stuff isn't in Iraq anymore. Canada bought it. Specifically, it's in Ontario. Hey, I lived in them thar parts. I don't trust those people and I'm not alone. Via Ace:
Wait a second…now Canuckistan has yellow-cake? This can’t be good news, what with them a mere 0 miles from our borders. The barbarian hordes from the frozen North “say” they’re going to use the uranium for peaceful “electrical” purposes, but ever since they began their massive naval build-up a few years back, I think we need to keep a sharp eye on these Neo-Scandis.It was so much better when the pretend, non-existent yellow cake wasn't in Iraq because it was far, far away. Now it's supposedly real and exists close to American borders. This war on terror bullshit just gets worse and worse.
Posted by Melissa Clouthier at 10:21 AM 3 comments
Fausta Wertz analyzes the implications of the daring hostage rescue (if you don't know, Americans were rescued). I'm still snickering that these dumb-butts bought the Ché shirts worn by the Columbian military guys. You need to read her whole post. The thumbnail: Communism has been dealt a serious blow in South America. Obviously, this is good news for America and for anyone who values freedom.
It's worth noting that freedom is coming at the point of a gun with someone willing to die for it. That's usually how it works.
Posted by Melissa Clouthier at 3:21 PM 3 comments
British children are forced to bow to Allah. The two who didn't get detention.
And you thought Republicans were dumb. They have some wimpy competition.
Intelligent design stuff.
Greta Van Susteren smacks down Anderson Cooper. Anderson has a staff of 60. A couple are dedicated to peeling his grapes and fanning him no doubt.
James Lileks smacks down M. Night Shamalayan:
The trailer doesn’t spell out the message, but Gort – played by Keanu Reeves – says “if the earth dies, you die. If you die, the earth lives.” Well, there’s a message we can all get behind. And if the film flops, you get the Malibu beach house. Seems win-win for everyone except, well, the poison-belching peons who will queue up for another sermon. Gentle cautionary tales are one thing; this groveling self-hatred is another. Same with the M. Night film that has the trees emitting pollen that makes us all kill ourselves – apparently the trees took a big wait-and-see attitude towards deforestation in the late 19th century, and finally decided to kill people when we were just starting to get the point.
He is not a he, he is a she with boobs lopped off and testosterone that would increase the size of the clitoris and make it look more penis-like. Let's be real here. A man cannot carry a baby. She was not born with ambiguous genitalia. This "dude" is not a dude. She is a dudette. She is a mother. She gave birth through her vagina. That's right "he" gave birth naturally.
He is a she. I am sick of the politically correct nonsense around this woman. Just because someone has surgery and names herself a man, doesn't make it so. Might make her delusional. And it makes the news media look more insane than average, too,"The new dad walked easily, although he appeared tired, .... Someone opened the door for him." Oh, and can you imagine how this kid is going to feel about "dad". This is just nuts. (Couldn't resist.)
She is free to call herself whatever she wants. This is America. And so I am free to call her a she and so I will.
Cross-posted at Right Wing News
Posted by Melissa Clouthier at 2:14 PM 4 comments
Posted by Melissa Clouthier at 10:57 AM 5 comments
Pop culture
My brother sent me the Declaration of Independence, just for the reminder, I guess. Here's the beginning:
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.I explained to my kids that at the Olympics, no American will bow to a foreign dignitary. Why? Because Americans bow to no man. We answer to One Authority.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. -- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Posted by Melissa Clouthier at 10:38 AM 5 comments
So today, I had the pleasure of seeing the Astros lose at the gorgeous Minutemaid Park. It was a pleasure, too. The company, two of my sweet cherubs (have I mentioned that I'm a breeder?) and the mad blogging Floridian Cassy Fiano escorted by her conservative, buff, national guardsman and even better, Texan boyfriend, made the day. The game, meh.
The best part? Hearing the packed stadium sing America the Beautiful during the Seventh Inning stretch. Wait, the other best part? Seeing a marine throw out the first pitch and receive a standing ovation. This man, this patriot, who had sacrificed so much--he lost his legs from the knees down--displayed child-like joy and sincere delight at receiving the signed ball, and the adoration of the crowd. Oh man, there was another best part! A commander in Iraq gave a speech relaying the successes and ended with an enthusiastic, "Go Astros!" The crowd ate up his words. And then there was the soldier who sang the National Anthem with a flag the size of a basketball court in the middle of the field. Beautiful! And get this: hot dogs were $1 today.
I love America.
Cross-posted at Right Wing News
Posted by Melissa Clouthier at 8:11 PM 7 comments
If you've watched the news, you know about the little "missing" girl from Vermont. Well, her remains were found yesterday on her uncle's property. Vermont, it turns out, has a wonderful sex offenders rehabilitation program. Daniel Goleman (of Primal Leadership fame) enthuses in the New York Times fifteen years ago:
The sex offender treatment program in Vermont, among the most sophisticated in the country, showed similar successes, according to a report at the Kent State meeting. In an evaluation of 473 sex offenders who have been released from prison for up to eight years, the average rate of sex crimes in the same period for a comparison group who received no treatment was 38 percent, at least double the rate of those treated for various sex crimes.So my take away is that treatment may or may not work and we have no way of telling who it will work on, but we should be thrilled because maybe it will work on someone. And of those treated, one out of five will offend again. That means that one out of five will commit a violent rape again.
For child molesters in the treated group, the rate of sex crimes after release from prison was just 7 percent; for exhibitionists or voyeurs, 3 percent; for rapists, 19 percent. While the figure for rapists is highest, it is still just half that of those who did not receive any treatment.
To be sure, not all sex offenders respond to treatment. Among rapists, for instance, rape is often more an act of violence than of sex. This kind of rapist is less likely to benefit than are those for whom fantasies are more important than violence.
In 1993, he was convicted of kidnapping and rape committed in June 1992. Court records show that the victim was an 18-year-old young woman he supervised at a fast-food business in Rutland. The records show he and a friend got her drunk and then Jacques alone forced her into his car and over the next four hours raped her several times. The police affidavit says she was choked with a rope around her neck, gagged with a cloth in her mouth, and handcuffed with police-style cuffs. Police say Jacques eventually let her go after he told her he needed help and was going to seek psychiatric counseling.And he has been treated in Vermont's stellar program:
The victim told police that Jacques said he had killed a 12-year-old girl he raped in Arizona in 1985 because she threatened to go to the police, "so he had to kill her."
The police were unable to confirm his claimed killing of the 12-year-old in Arizona, but Jacques did plead no contest to the charges of kidnap and rape in Vermont. In return, under a plea agreement, he got six years in prison, but was released after serving only four and half with credit for good time.Do you see how insane it is to release these criminals from prison with or without treatment? If they don't get treatment, nearly half repeat offend. If they do get treatment, only one out of five re-offend--that get caught, anyway.
That 1992 plea deal also required Jacques to complete the sex offender treatment program before he could be released from probation. According to the records, he did complete the therapy program, and was released from state supervision in December 2006. Corrections officials say Jacques completed his sex offender treatment program in 2000.
I'm here to help you, and naturally, if possible. Trouble with erectile dysfunction? Want to be a machine between the sheets? Well, eat yer watermelon menfolk, the effects are similar, if more general than Viagra-type drugs:
Watermelons contain an ingredient called citrulline that can trigger production of a compound that helps relax the body's blood vessels, similar to what happens when a man takes Viagra, said scientists in Texas, one of the nation's top producers of the seedless variety.On the downside, watermelon has one of the highest glycemic indices of any fruit. It's right up there with a can of Coke or a bagel, for that matter. That is, eating a ton of it rockets your blood sugar up quickly. But then, that could be a good thing, too. You'll get a sugar rush which translates into easy energy for that exercise you'll be getting.
Found in the flesh and rind of watermelons, citrulline reacts with the body's enzymes when consumed in large quantities and is changed into arginine, an amino acid that benefits the heart and the circulatory and immune systems.
"Arginine boosts nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels, the same basic effect that Viagra has, to treat erectile dysfunction and maybe even prevent it," said Bhimu Patil, a researcher and director of Texas A&M's Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Center. "Watermelon may not be as organ-specific as Viagra, but it's a great way to relax blood vessels without any drug side effects."