Monday, January 23, 2006

Breastfeeding Blessings

Read here about why breastfeeding is so important.

What is difficult to calculate is the emotional, relational and social benefits to the child. Breastfeeding literally connects the child to his mother. Eye contact, laughing and playing are often associated with breastfeeding.

Most moms I know that feed their child bottles, praise their children when they "hold it on their own"--the earlier the better. The child eats alone. Even the U.S. military has a policy against soldiers eating alone. They know that it negatively affects the psychology of the soldier. Eating and socializing go together from the beginning.

Breastfeeding requires the mom to slow down and focus on the child. Some call that a negative. Some days it feels that way. But the hormones released when the child nurses, I can actually feel dump into my system like a endocrine high--relaxin, relaxing me, oxytocin, making me love. Ectasy, who needs it? Breastfeeding provides it with no side-effects.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I seem to disagree, as a person who has taken her fair amount of ecstasy in her day.breastfeeding may make you feel nice but you cannnot compare it to the effects of MDMA. I mean seriously c'mon. Don't mean to glorify drugs or anything because I haven't enjoyed the experience of taking ecstacy since before i was pregnant but it is nothing like the feeling you gain from feeding your child straight from your breast.