Monday, January 16, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

The myth. The legend.

You know, when I heard that a movie about gay cowboys was rolling down the Hollywood pipeline, one thought occurred to me: well, I know what the Oscar will be this year.

Surprise, surprise. Without having seen the glorious film let me write a review:

With windswept vistas, heart-rending score and a traditional love story, Brokeback Mountain hits just the right note. Heath Ledger, all leather and stoic strength reminds one of a young Clark Gable circa Gone With the Wind. Rich character development, quietly played with dignity by Mr. Ledger and the object of his secret affection, Jake Gilleynhall, makes one forget that the aching sadness of unrequited love is between two gorgeous men. Brokeback breaks down barriers one brawny bale at a time. Go see it. I give it five fabulous stars out of four!

The annoying thing is that anyone with half a brain knows, just knows to their toes, that a movie "outside of mainstream" will burst forth like an exploding rocket with the dimwitted Academy and Golden Globes voters. Let's see: Monster--lesbian serial killer, Chicago--murdering misses set to musack (I actually liked it), Midnight Cowboy--a 70's "classic" that makes one pine away for understatement, Million Dollar Baby--assisted suicide, to name only a very, very few.

Is it dark? Check. Is it pessimisstic? Check. Is society portrayed as unfair and ruthless? Check. Will it shock middle America, preferably offend them--thus expanding their pea-brained, narrow-minded, calcified-world-view consciousness? Check.

We have a winner.

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