Sunday, January 08, 2006


How comfortable would you feel driving on the local overpass if your knew that it had a problem with structural integrity? Just a little problem. Not a huge long as a storm or flood or earthquake doesn't come along it will be okay.

I wouldn't drive on it either.

How about people you know? That friend you caught in a little white lie. The guy who fudged his score on the golf course. Did you make a mental note?

How about you? Are there areas in your life that you compromise just a little bit to get by? What nags at you so that you are less confident when presenting you or your product?

Integrity: "1. The steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code 2. The state of being unimpaired, sound 3. The quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness."

When our word can be relied on, when we work honestly, when we do our best even though we may fall short, we can look in the mirror at ourselves without shame. We can look at our friends and family, we can stand by our work, without shame.

Integrity is the stuff of reputations and honor. It means everything. Do whatever it takes to create a structurally sound life. Do whatever it takes to build the character to withstand temptation, difficult times and the storms of life. People count on you. Be worthy of their trust.

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