Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes

Big sigh of relief, folks, they're still together. Could it be that she is tiring of Sir-Cult-A-Lot's craziness? Every time I see Tom Cruise interviewed, he seems to be in complete and total control. Every word said, emotion expressed and action taken comes across as calculated and contrived. Perhaps he is just so charming that people like Oprah and his "best friend" Jada Pinkett and others (see how much popular culture filters through and I haven't watched the news or seen said Oprah in three years?) fail to see how they are being manipulated. But a person with healthy self-esteem would grow weary of his machinations, I think. Sure Katie is pregnant, but doesn't she look kinda lifeless, too? Ironically, Nicole Kidman looked to have more vitality with him and has seemed like an empty vessel afterward. This guy does weird things to the women in his orbit. Strange. Very strange.

Okay, I've already spent five more minutes than necessary on something totally irrelevent. Junk food for the mind moment is now officially over.

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