Saturday, March 25, 2006


Want to make your life better today? Before going to bed, instead of counting sheep, list all the wonderful things that happened. List all the blessings you often take for granted. List everything and anything for which you are grateful.

Want to make your life bigger and better than you ever imagined possible? Do this every day. Make it a habit. Write it down, even. Take ten minutes of every day and write all the things that fill your heart with quiet contentment and unbounded joy. List those teeny-tiny things that make life worth living: fresh water, air to breath, hugs from children, people who love you, people you love, the sky, the clouds, the tree that mesmorizes while watching it blow in the breeze, a soft bed, a comfy chair, a good book, a heart-felt conversation. Everything.

Abundance begins with being grateful for what you've got. Most people have it backwards and say to themselves, "When this happens or I own this, THEN I'll be happy. It never works this way. Gratitude comes first, then more good stuff follows.

Gratitude: the not-so-secret path to happiness is yours today.

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