Friday, April 21, 2006

Build The Fence Prez

Well, The Minutemen are putting pressure on Amigo Bush. He is responding by lighting a fire of fear under businessmen who employ illegals. Here in Houston, that would be everyone. E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E.

Meanwhile, the illegals pour over the border in greater numbers in anticipation of emancipation.

Here's what I don't get: we have the best scientists in the world. Why can't we set a number of immigrants that we need in the U.S. to sustain the level of growth needed. Then, ease up passage to America. It's called Ellis Island. Open it. Make a similar one on this side of the Rio Grande.

Coming to the U.S. is an event! It is a gift. Skulking in like a criminal should NOT be part of the experience--unless you're a real criminal and then you should be rounded up by border patrol and sent to a Mexican prison.

Stupid straw-man arguments like "Can 11 Million People Be Deported?" irritate the heck out of me. I suppose they could if we tried really hard. But most Americans don't want this and every lawmaker and the insipid journalist/pollsters/news creator knows this even before they ask the stupid question.

Most Americans DON'T want to PAY FOR ILLEGALS. That's right: most Americans want illegals to pay taxes, like they do, pay their hospital bills and insurance, like they do. They don't want to pay school taxes for people who don't pay taxes and yet demand an education.

Ensure that every student, every patient, every welfare mom and dad is a citizen. Give drivers licenses and other licenses and homes to citizens ONLY. Two things will happen: the black market will grow bigger and many will go home because the services there will be better--or the same as here. Dry the well--people will go somewhere else to drink.

Make the people who want to be citizens go back and do the paperwork. Yes, a lot of them have businesses. Yes, a lot of them have knitted themselves into this society. Yes, this will cause hardship. Life is tough. Becoming an American has never been easy. It is a prize worth fighting for and hard.

Ungum the beauracracy here so people wanting to do the right thing, can.

Americans want immigrants. Americans love the fact that people love this country and want to come here. But the last thing Americans want or need is another entitled (and worse illegal) underclass.

Make it legal.

P.S. Build the fence. It's not the big deal Congress makes it out to be. It's called a border for a reason.


Christine said...

I like Mitt Romney's efforts to increase skilled worker immigrants. He notes that we educate many PhD level non-Americans here in Massachusetts and then we ship them back to their home countries once they've obtained degrees. Why not consider them as potential immigrants? They certainly aren't entitled, nor are they an underclass. They can only increase the status of the USA as a world leader in knowledge and engineering.

I don't see why we don't have the same rules about immigrants as Mexico does. Fair's fair.

Anonymous said...

Could not have said it better!