Monday, September 03, 2007

Glenn Love

You know, I really like to be linked by Glenn Reynolds. In fact, twice in two weeks the blog god looked kindly on me, driving up my traffic, spurring commenting, and generally giving me the warm glow. Somebody actually reads me blog! Yippee.... And that's when the trouble began.

Why can't people just argue the merits of the post? But noooo, the criticism can't stay on topic it must get personal. No wonder Glenn doesn't take comments. People can be such jerks.


Anonymous said...

Just remember... stupid is as stupid does. Your detractors on the de Palma post criticized you for not seeing the film when your post had nothing to do with the content of the film. For all you know it could be one person + a sock puppet. As I've seen many bloggers say it takes a lot of strength to weather the nastiness some people spew out when they are anonymous.

Don't let them get to you and keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

I agree with kman. It's just not necessary to be so nasty and on top of that cowardice. I appreciate your writing! :-)

Anonymous said...

Well, the problem is that Reynolds is a rube, and 99% of what he links to is garbage.

Look, you are in a fringe minority. And while the people who read you regularly are comfortably in that fringe, you have to be brought back to reality sometimes that, well, your ideas are some combination of simplistic and idiotic. I only heard about you because of Instarube. You're a podiatrist, or whatever it is you do, trying to write about things you are completely clueless about.

Sorry to be the one to have to tell you that, but your little sycophants here just want to suck up to you. If I were you, I would focus on podiatry, or new age medicine, or whatever it is you do, and stop trying to comment on things you know nothing about.

And the only reason Reynolds is linking to you more is because he has to work that much harder to find people in the fringe.

David Foster said...

I wonder about the motivation of troll like those in the current batch. The purpose of political and philosophical dialogue is normally to *convince*...but, of course, no one is going to convince anyone of anything by levying simplistic insults against them.

A lot of it is probably just primal rage by people who cannot stand having any of their opinions contradicted.