Sunday, September 23, 2007

Hillary Clinton: The Teflon Girl

It seems to me that Hillary Clinton's ubiquity plays to her favor. As grating as her voice is, as phony as the laugh is, as contradictory as her stances are, her willingness to go everywhere is the meta message. She wants it. In case anyone doubted that fact, which no one does. But Americans admire the fighters. And right now, I think that Hillary looks like a fighter.

In her language, she still, without irony, casts herself as the underdog. Can a woman be a big dog? The women candidates campaign as little women. That's tiresome, but I guess it works.

She's playing politics like a big dog, scandalizing like a Clinton big dog, and playing the election like a little girl.

Hillary Clinton may just be the Teflon Girl.


Anonymous said...

I believe Hillary Clinton is very dangerous for our country. Not only does she side step direct questions, her plans for 'hillary care' will cost us millions. Every time I see her on television I get sick to my stomach. I truly believe she does not care about the very people she is professing to stand up for. American's cannot afford her or her politics. She will never get my vote.

Anonymous said...

Should we start practicing ending every sentence with "Praise Hillary!" in case the BATF might be listening?