Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Bloggers and Everyone Else: If You're Fat, Stand Up!

Research reveals that it's not just exercise, it's how much you're on your feet. Bloggers beware! Sitting on your arse all day long can lead to the spread:

In most cases, exercise alone, according to a team of scientists at the University of Missouri, isn't enough to take off those added pounds. The problem, they say, is that all the stuff we've heard the last few years about weight control left one key factor out of the equation. When we sit, the researchers found, the enzymes that are responsible for burning fat just shut down.
For myself, I'm going to move my laptop, during the day, to the bar in the kitchen. It's at the right level for standing.

This research jives with some other research I can't lay my hands on now, that correlates people who have "ants in their pants", they're in constant motion, burn enough calories to keep them skinny. The kids who sit still and pay attention, are more likely to be fat.

So, lets get everyone up and busy. Bloggers! Take note.

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