Friday, December 14, 2007

USA Today Editorial: Be Helpless

You know why I like Blogs more than Newspapers? Because everyone signs their name. A person has to own their opinion stupid or not. That point was driven home again today when the Editorial board of the USA Today wrote this:

Gun control laws have had a limited impact, and the pet proposal of the gun lobby — letting people carry concealed weapons — is a nonsensical answer. Even with more people packing heat, the likelihood of such a person being at the scene of a spree shooting is exceedingly low. (The woman who ended the incident at the Colorado Springs church was a congregant and former cop who volunteered as part of the church's security program.)

With more and more people carrying weapons in public, no matter how well-intentioned, the risk of accidental shootings and additional violence rises. Security on campuses, shopping malls, airports, churches and other public places is best left to professionals.

The best way forward is to keep at the imperfect but important fixes that can eventually make these shootings less murderous and more rare: Ensuring that people with a history of mental illness aren't able to buy guns; taking disturbed young people seriously and getting them counseling; and reinstating the lapsed ban on assault weapons, despite the opposition of the gun lobby.

A few thoughts:
  1. No data to support any opinion
  2. No name to attach the stupid opinion
So, counseling and assault weapons ban will stop these attacks. Really? And people carrying concealed hand guns won't be able to be there at the crime. Really?

Support your opinion Editorial Board. It's call facts. If you can find data to support your stupid opinion, maybe readers can take the opinion seriously.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, counseling and assault weapons ban will stop these attacks. Really? And people carrying concealed hand guns won't be able to be there at the crime. Really?

Because Gun Control (TM) will fix EVERYTHING (including Global Warming)!

Ees Party Line, Comrades.

Just like 2 + 2 = 5.