Thursday, January 03, 2008

Most Americans Love Their Life, Hate Society

It's an interesting phenomenon when people like their life. but dislike the direction the country is going. Most people are happy. Most people are satisfied. Yet, they worry about the world out there. Part of me thinks that this perspective is due to the incredible wealth and comfort everyone has. It's so good and it's been so good for so long, that the greatest fear people deal with today is that it could all be taken away. And the boogyman is out there just waiting to do it.

Perhaps that's why George Bush is so vilified. Only Stephen King could come up with a more loathsome monster than the press has succeeded in doing. The images portrayed are so cartoonish and extreme. President Bush sits around with his evil minions scheming about how to screw up the country and the world.

And now there's a new President to pick. Of course, all the Republicans are evil in one form or another. The Democrats cartoonish paragons of virtue. Either way, the President is giving immense power to changes things for good or ill. And the American President is powerful. 

But does the President have the power to destroy America? Is the power out there or is the power still in the hands of the people?

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