Friday, February 15, 2008

Guns Save Lives II

It's the same old story being replayed: Disaffected youth takes revenge on helpless strangers.. The only guy armed is the bad-guy in "gun-free zones". I haven't posted about this current incident, not because I'm desensitized to the trauma these events cause, but because I'm sick of them.

Let people defend themselves.

People need to stop living this pie-in-the-sky notion that the guns are the problem. Last week a psychologist got hacked to death with a machete. Shall we ban knives? Broken bottles? Shards of glass? Box cutters? Nail files? Or, if you saw Natural Born Killers, a lipstick case.

The solution is to meet brute force with brute force. Anything less means the deaths of innocents. This has to stop.

More thoughts here and here.


Anonymous said...

I reviewed the two links on the bottom here. Both were very good and generated some great discussions.

We went out with friends the other day and had this very same discussion on how to protect ourselves from such people.

Yes, this has to stop. What is the best way? For some reason, I struggle with this.

Anonymous said...

Came across your blog today. Found your brief discussion of Chesterton's Orthodoxy. Haven't read it but it sounds like worthwhile. Maybe people like yourself should be suggesting that the Dept. of Education make it required reading, for, say, 14 year olds. Personally, I think that society has its eyes closed to the pressures that exist today, in particular those that affect young American men. Also, medication is a crutch that makes one weaker the more one uses it.

Anonymous said...

I took a self-defense handgun class, as sort of a lark, and everything just fell into place during the class. I suddenly was appalled at how utterly helpless I had been all my life, given the scary and untoward things that happened to me and people I knew. As women we just learn to put up with it and hope to "reason" or *luck* our way out of bad spots.

But it takes more than one class to feel comfortable with carrying. I didn't start until 2 classes plus competition plus lots of practice. I feel sorry for people who live in places where this is all very difficult or illegal to do.