Friday, February 15, 2008

Sig Heil Hillary

I just don't think she's going to get elected. I just don't.

P.S. This is a turning point for me. I thought it would be Hillary on the top o' the ticket and Obama as Veep. Not so sure about that now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think a lot of Dems hated Hillary and jumped ship on her as soon as Obama provided a viable alternative. (Looks like there's a lot of "Anybody But Clinton" even among Inner Party Faithful.)

Obama is very charismatic, and runs his campaign primarily on force of personality. He's just a lot more LIKEABLE, and so far he's running a relatively-clean campaign without a lot of the obnoxious antics that have become "normal" these days.

However, in a brokered convention, the decision goes to the "Unelected Superdelegates", i.e. Party bosses. And I'm sure a lot of them are getting phoned up and listening to their FBI files being read to them in an "Aw Shucks" Arkansas accent...