Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hillary Caught Lying--UPDATED

How do you know a politician is lying? Yeah, yeah, her mouth is moving:


I thought this clip was so comically hilarious, that I'd leave it to speak for itself. Hillary is a liar. Lie. Lie. Lie. You know what? She always has been. This isn't surprising. Does anyone in the world believe that she hasn't known about Bill's proclivities? Please. She's a Yankees fan, too! And she was named for Sir Edmund Hillary! The list of these "misspeaks" is endless. The Anchoress says (and she has a great round-up):

Ace has more. I’m betting that the press will allow Hillary to get by with the “misspeak” claim and will not press her further. They’ll do that partly out of habit, but also because it’s more fun for them, news-wise, with Hillary in the race than out of it.

My goodness, this is one uninspiring election season. I want all new candidates, please. These have been around so long they are, like fish, raising too great a stench.



Sister Honey Bunch/Judi maloney said...

Yes! I was hoping you would write about this.

Anonymous said...

I would be so embarrassed if I were here.

Anonymous said...

You are only saying what many people think privately and are too nice to say. You know darn well she had to know about Bill and his ladies. I expect the only thing she did not know was just how young they were and how sordid his actions could be. She is absolutely UNFIT to occupy her Senate seat much less the oval office. Steve Kirk blogs on senior health at www.theperfectsense.com.