Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Miley Cyrus Vanity Fair Cover--UPDATED

This was my thought exactly when I saw the Miley Cyrus aka Hannah Montana cover for Vanity Fair:

Last night, I decided to show the Vanity Fair photo to my daughter, because I knew she’d eventually hear about it from friends. Her reaction was what I expected from a third grader. “Mom, she doesn’t look that good,'’ she told me.

I agree, but for different reasons. To my daughter, Ms. Cyrus just looks unkempt without the trademark cute clothes and hair she sports on the Disney show “Hannah Montana.” But to me, the photo of a 15-year-old wrapped in a bed sheet with tousled hair has a disturbing Lolita quality.

She looks like she's just recovering post-sex from a vigorous romp in the bed. I think that image is exactly what Ms. Cyrus and probably her parents, too, were going for. They want Miley to grow up and growing up in Hollywood land means morphing from childlike innocence into slut.

At fifteen, fifteen!, Miley isn't a little girl anymore, but is she this image? It just feels wrong.

UPDATE: Commenter Jeff sees this:


Anonymous said...

Oh Melissa, this breaks my heart. I had all along said that I hope she will keep her head on straight. I think you even mentioned that her parents are very involved with her career. Even my daughter said to me last week (she likes to parrot things she hears me say)"Mama, I hope Miley always stays okay." "Me too," I said, "Me too."

I am also going to show my daughter this picture since she is one of her fans. I think I am also going to write a letter to her. She may never get it but I still want to write one. I am so incredibly saddened by this today.

Jeff said...

Here's the first thought I had:

Les Miserables.

Seriously, go look at the poster for that play.

And, honestly, I see not much wrong with this picture. Go to Perez Hilton or any other gossip site and you'll be slathered with "whore slut whore slut whore slut skank". Given that, I see... a young lady showing her back.

Anonymous said...

Jeff, please! This "young lady showing her back" is fifteen years old and has a fan club of thousands of little girls that look up to her. I see a LOT wrong with this picture! A LOT!

Melissa Clouthier said...


THAT'S IT! I couldn't place the image, but you're exactly right. Still, it feels Lolita-ish to me. She is looking seductive and so very young--younger than she normally looks.

Anonymous said...

I just left a comment on the page you linked to "NY Times." Just reading through some of the comments, it looks like I am not alone in my reaction to this photo. It is very, very disappointing...but unfortunately not unexpected.

Anonymous said...

So THAT's why morning drive-time radio led off this morning with the headline "HANNAH MONTANA IS A HO!"

(Imagine your clock-radio going off at 5:30 Ayem and the first thing you hear after the click is "HANNAH MONTANA IS A HO!!!!!")

DAVE BONES said...

classical art work has the female form posed like this in a sheet, this mimics someone posing for life drawing. People should not be so prudish and read twisted thought into what has been presented as art.

Anonymous said...

I heard that Roger Clemens is so dumb, he tried to call both Miley Cyrus and Hannah Montana to set up a threesome.

Anonymous said...

I agree it's not about her bare back. Miley's in bed looking sexy. She's only 15. What do I tell my 16 year old daughter - that Miley's doing it right, and my daughter is taking things too slowly with boys? As a dad, I'm disappointed. Plus - Miley has made $1 billion off kids, and now she's thumbing her nose at them, saying "I'm not a kid like you anymore." She and her parents should think a bit.

Anonymous said...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H e l l o . . . N i c e . . . B l o g . . . P U S H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .