Shameless Plug and Organic Stuff
Just a quick note, here. Have you noticed that I have an advertiser right now? That big block with natural skin care products is paying me actual money to advertise here. How cool is that?
A reader asked if I had used their products. The answer is no, I have not. That being said, I will talk about buying organic, natural products for a minute. This is something that I try to do anyway--but organic. Even my dog gets organic food even and he deserves a swift kick in the ribs not the super excellent dog food. I'm still irritated over his apparent passive-aggression. This morning, the cute fluffy white cotton ball of a dog jumped up on our bed and peed in the middle of it. Not a little spot mind you. Oh no! He emptied his pint-sized bladder on the white comforter cover. And yes, he'd been let out already. And yes, he's now generally potty-trained. It was purposeful.
For those who believe that dogs and cats don't have free will, I'm here to tell you, you're wrong. My friend's big, fat, irritating cat pees and poops on her pillow whenever he's mad at her for not giving him enough attention. If she goes out of town, the pillow gets it. For some reason, she thinks it's funny. I, on the other hand, do not find any sort of pet excrement on my bed amusing.
So even this rage inducing canine gets organic food and I'm here to tell you he doesn't deserve it. But my kids do. Now, I'm not super mega anal about the organic thing, but I try, as much as possible to buy organic food. Certain things seem to make a huge difference when they're organic, taste wise. Chicken is the most dramatic. I don't know, nor do I want to know, what happens to regular chickens, but the difference with organic chicken is so obvious it's a tad disturbing. Other things like fruits and veggies make a difference when fresh and organic. There is even an organic vodka I like called Rain. Good stuff. Great packaging.
Anyway, I do think it is valuable, when at all possible, to buy organic. It is just one more way to minimize your intake of antibiotics and if the animals and ground are treated better, that's a bonus, too.
So, take a look at NaturOli's products and buy some, too! You'll be supporting me and you'll also be buying some products that are natural and plant based. They look really good. Also, if you would like to advertise here, let me know. You guys know you're smart and there's more of you reading this than I ever imagined would care about what I have to say, which actually calls into question the first assertion. Nah, I stick by it. You're smart.
Well, my prescription for the dog peeing in the bed would probably be a little extreme for you, so I'll let that out.
However, without getting gross about how they are penned and treated, the main reason "organic", or perhaps, "free range" chickens taste different is their diet. There's no variety in the diet of a commercial farm chicken. They get mostly grain with supplements, while the free range variety gets to eat worms and bugs and things.
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