Tuesday, April 22, 2008

White Men Can't Jump and They Just Can't Win

Nora Ephron has her granny panties in a bundle. I'll nutshell it for you (pardon the pun): white men suck. They are what is wrong with the world. Women, on the other hand, are awesome. Just ask Nora. Bleh.

Cassy Fiano rants:

And what's interesting is how Ephron sneers at the "suffering" white men receive at the hands of mean women, and points out how these white men are "somehow" able to rise above affirmative action, feminism, and the myriad of benefits handed to minorities simply for... being a minority. The difference, my dear Nora, is that most white men don't see themselves as victims. A lot -- but not all -- of minorities, feminists, and liberals do. Therefore, when white men are presented with overwhelming obstacles, they find a way to overcome them. A lot of people who are women and/or minorities do this, too, but it doesn't fit into the "WHITE MEN IN POWER!!" screed.
Women are angry, because men are stooopid and they still get all the power. Really? Rachel Lucas has another winner of a lady bitching about men, specifically her husband, which is so nice. I'm sure that's helping their marital relations.

You know, men don't talk about this bullshit much. I mean, what can they do? If they are white and own testes, that pretty much disqualifies them from noting that these women are resentful shrews intent on gaining power by making sure someone loses power.

The last thing we need is another class of victim, but sometimes I can see why men would want to band together and form a group to fight the matriarchy. Damn, they're annoying.

H/T Dr. Helen


Anonymous said...

You have to go read an old post that Siggy did when he wrote about a date he had with one of those kind of "bitch" women. I was shocked! And...I laughed out loud and I am still giggling when I read how he handled it. It was great!

mkfreeberg said...

...sometimes I can see why men would want to band together and form a group to fight the matriarchy.

Not our style. Besides, bitchy women don't reflect poorly on us. They just cost us craploads of money, and that's only up until the point where we've learned our lesson.

Anonymous said...

...but sometimes I can see why men would want to band together and form a group to fight the matriarchy.

A group already exists, with an ideology that promises not only victory over the matriarchy, but victory with PAYBACK.

Do you not hear the cry of the Kaaba, from the heart of Mecca in the Arabian desert? The siren song of the burqa, the locked harem, the FGM, the honor killing?

When the only choices left are Them or Us...

Anonymous said...

The too perfect part of this campaign is that two Ivy League educated lawyers are fighting it out over who is the biggest victim. While the candidate who was crippled for life by 5 years of torture in an enemy POW camp is automatically disqualified for victim status, and wouldn't take it if you offered it to him. Election 2008 is the absurdity of all the usual liberal complaints in a nutshell.

Anonymous said...

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