Thursday, May 15, 2008

Don't Let Your Mama's Have Babies In Texas, Ya'll

Texas ranks last in all things maternal. It's because of lack of health insurance, of course. Uh huh. Could it be that illegal aliens don't get prenatal care and the first time anyone sees them is when they stumble across the emergency room threshold to birth a new American? And in that case, I think Mexico could safely be blamed for their lack of good prenatal care.

I've spent far too much time in and around the Medical Center. Texas in general, and Houston in particular, lacks many things (namely mountains) but excellent medical care that is open to all is not one of them. One disturbing statistic that the research doesn't mention is the over-reliance on c-sections. Houston has one of the highest C-section rates in the country. This is major surgery and unnecessary most of the time.