Cell Phone Addiction In Children
So, this conversation happened at the dinner table a few days ago:
Daughter 8: Mom, I want a cell phone.
Me: No
Daughter: Everyone has a cell phone! [Head collapses into arms, dramatic weeping.]
Me: [Laughing] No, you are not crying about not having a cell phone. Who? Who has a cellphone?
Daughter: Lots of people.
Me: Who? And how old are they?
Daughter: [Face squirreled up, more tears] You're mean!
Me: You have no idea how mean. Just wait!
I might have peeved tween but at least I don't have an addicted adolescent. What. In. The. Hell?
They were brought in after spending an average of six hours a day on their phones, talking, texting or playing games.This makes me think of that Star Trek episode where everyone got addicted to that alternative reality game. Yes, I'm that big of a nerd.
Their parents became concerned that the children, aged 12 and 13, were unable to carry out normal activities without their handsets. They were failing at school and deceiving relatives in an attempt to obtain more money for phone cards.
Really, I think parents should just give up and give in....it's all over. Why even try to fight it?
Cross-posted at Right Wing News
Stand your ground, Mom!
(it's easy for me to say because I don't have a teenaged daughter)
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