Monday, June 23, 2008

High Gas Prices Cause Parents To Murder Children

Murderous impulses abound these days. In Houston, children seem to be particularly vulnerable to their parent's frustration. It's a new phenomenon, really, child abuse, and the local government officials are grasping for reasons what has so recently gone horribly wrong. The Houston Chronicle's Dane Schiller reports:

With word Saturday that yet another parent was implicated in an attack on his children — police say he led them to the partially burned bodies — there was a feeling that something is horribly wrong with some families in the Greater Houston metropolitan area.

"Whether it is high gas prices or people not happy with their jobs or whatever, we have got a lot of anger and violence in our society, way too much, particularly family violence," Houston Councilman Peter Brown said.

Later, another expert gives his explanation:

Still, Klineberg said, they speak to growing stress for families, including the challenge of making ends meet.

"It is tough out there. People snap," he said. "And when you have 6 million people, one or two are going to snap in a bad way."

A few years ago, Andrea Yates drowned her kids in a bathtub. The gas prices were a moderate sub $2.00/gallon. Houston didn't want for violence in 2005 and gas prices were fantastic.

Houston's unemployment rate was higher in 2006 than it is now, so murders should be lower now. And maybe they are. You won't find this out from the local press, though, because it doesn't fit the narrative. And what is the narrative? The economy is horrible. Life is horrible. Gas prices are high, oil companies are bad and that's horrible.

Oh wait, when looking at the numbers, though, murders were up in 2006, but it wasn't unemployment, it was the fine folks from New Orleans. As those yahoos got put in the clink, the murder rate declined in 2007. And looky here:

HPD officials say that the City of Houston has recorded the fewest numbers of murders for the first quarter of this year since 2005.

The unofficial numbers show 78 murders were recorded through the first three months of this year.nThere were 88 murders for the same period in 2007. That’s an 11.3 percent decrease.

Houston Police Chief Harold Hurtt said the decline shows that the department’s targeted crime initiatives and overtime programs throughout the city are paying off. “While murders are nearly impossible crimes to predict and prevent, we do feel our overtime programs in place, including those officers assigned to our Crime Reduction Unit, can impact crimes that could escalate to murder,” said Chief Hurtt.

Wow, those are dramatic numbers and not at all the impression one gets from reading something like Dan Schiller put together. The notion that there are always going to be nutso crazies killing their kids doesn't occur to these people. What occurs to them is that it's politically expedient to exploit a child's horrific death at the hands of a parent and blame......the latest trend.

Whether it be Twinkies (really depression) or oil or the economy or global warming or fill-in-the-blank excuse, according to Leftists no one is responsible for his murderous impulses and it's always worse Right Now! because it fits the latest trendy, alarmist call to action. It's stupid. I hope no one is paying attention to them.

Oh wait, they're not.

H/T Rorschach

Cross-posted at Right Wing News


Rae said...

Maybe the left will let us drill for oil if we say "it's for the children!".

Rorschach said...

In actuality, Houston's murder rate is up, not down. HPD has been playing fast and loose with the crime statistics and making it look better than it really is. There are a number of cases of murder that have not been classified as such and Mayor White refuses to ask the DPS (which is the FBI's representative in Texas on these matters) to audit the numbers. There was one guy that had been shot in the gut, and then shot in the back of the head several times that was listed as a "suicide" on HPD's books even though the ME ruled it a homicide. He wasn't the only one left off the list either. HPD has been short by about 1000 officers for some time and they seem to think they should spend their money and any and everything BUT more cops.

Melissa Clouthier said...

Well, good luck finding hard numbers, Rorschach. I did my best. Even still, if the numbers are up, I don't think oil prices are the driving force.

MaxedOutMama said...

Dr. M. - the headline is supposed to be "Bush-Cheney force parents to kill their children!"

I literally wondered whether you were quoting from The Onion for a moment:
With word Saturday that yet another parent was implicated in an attack on his children — police say he led them to the partially burned bodies — there was a feeling that something is horribly wrong with some families in the Greater Houston metropolitan area.

"Whether it is high gas prices or people not happy with their jobs or whatever, we have got a lot of anger and violence in our society, way too much, particularly family violence," Houston Councilman Peter Brown said.

Yeah, sure, the average parent is going to go out, fill up the tank with gas, and head off and kill their children. Not even faintly plausible. Snap at your kids, maybe.

What bothers me so much about this is that it pushes the "passive victim" theory of parents who murder or abuse their children. This is hardly the message that should be conveyed, is it?

Melissa Clouthier said...


You CRACK me up! I swear, the press is completely unhinged right now. They have totally, comprehensively lost it.

Rorschach said...

Doc, don't get me wrong, I wasn't trying to bust your chops. Honest! I'm just trying to point out that the numbers HPD publishes are BS and we all need to take those numbers with a huge block of salt.

Anonymous said...

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