Friday, February 24, 2006

Seeing the Possible

The biggest fight with educaters about my autistic/aspberger son is getting them to see him not see The Condition. He is a smart boy who sees things in his own unique way. He has his own sense of humor. He works hard for everything he gets and learns.

Being realistic is BS. No realistic person ever invented anything. No realistic person ever conquered anything. No realistic person ever set a world record. No realistic person ever solved a world-changing mystery.

My son is capable of more than the limitations others impose on him. His survival is a miracle. His existence proof against realism. Here is another boy who is a miracle. Thank you to my brother for forwarding this awesome story.

Why do we impose limits we ourselves would hate imposed on us? It is so much more fun to see the possible. It's even better to imagine the impossible and then doing it.

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