Sunday, March 05, 2006

And the Winner Is.....Liberals

Update: Okay, I was wrong about Michelle Williams. The award went to Rachel Weitz for reasons stated here.

To get the predictions out of the way, I'll start there. Time is running out, but I want to be on the Oscar record. Since I'm a gifted futurist, you can harken to past post here, here and here regarding my best-picture prediction. For Best Actor it will by Philip Seymor Hoffman and for Best Actress it will be Felicity Huffman. There. That's settled. (Phil Hoff and Fel Huff, isn't that funny?) Oh, and Jake Gyllenhaal for Best Supporting Actor. Best Supporting Actress is harder, because the winner is usually obscure or young or something. Given that history, I pick Michelle Williams, that way the gay theme is complete.

Anyway, what's the meta-message of the 2006 Oscars? Have you figured it out yet? It has all the subtlety of a sledge-hammer brain blow. The message is simple: America sucks! Couple that idea with this one: Liberals have winning, open-minded ideas and the power, intelligence and nuance to showcase them. The minor meta message is that conservatives are morons and God help the USA through this abominable Bush Presidency.

Gays, transexuals, gay intellectuals, terrorist sympathy, CIA treachery, racism, sexism, violence, greed, conspiracy: These themes define the disgusting beast that is America--at least according to Hollywood.

This years movie output and Oscars display is a full-on temper tantrum by the Hollywood elite. "We might have lost the election battle, gay marriage may have been sent back by twenty years through ballot initiatives, GW might have got a conservative on the Supreme Court and Roe might go down in flames, but we will win the cultural war, even if we have to insult every American ideal to do it. SO THERE!"

The Hollywood elite just can't believe that the average American is so stupid, but the proof stares them in the face: George Bush is president. He is president. We hate him. How could this happen? Americans are idiots. I'm sick of America.

The interesting thing is that any star you talk to, if they would deign to talk to you, would say that the movies are "moderate" and "tasteful" and "just trying to express the truth". This only reveals how nuts they are in constrast to the average American.

I have never seen blatent contempt win people over to another point of view. Perhaps it will work for the Liberals. And the winner is......

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