Thursday, March 02, 2006

Beauty and Blogging: What Could Be Better?

Some days are so gorgeous and blissful, it seems criminal not to share the joy. Today is such a day. The temperature is 75 degrees, the breeze blowing, my windows open, the baby napping, my husband lunching and me blogging. BLISS.

While I'm not sitting in my pajamas, I am sitting in some stretchy leggings and a lose-fitting T-shirt, certainly not office-wear thankfully. The windows next to my desk are opened and a mild zephyr wraps around me.

Here's the weather where you are:

Chicago yup, 38 degrees and snow
Michigan 23 degrees and clear and cold, brrrrr
Washington D.C. 48 degrees and light rain...miserable
New York City 32 degrees and a freezing rain mist....even more miserable
Rochester New York 29 degrees and overcast...summer is almost here!
Indianapolis Indiana 38 degrees and overcast
Los Angeles 65 and sunny, still might need a sweater in the shade, though, pretty nice
Washington State is 50 degrees and cloudy/partly-sunny..not bad
Missouri is in the 40s-60s and clear, not bad
Orlando Florida looks like the only place as nice as Houston today

Not to rub it in or anything.......

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