Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Bird Flu Coming

MaxedOutMama has a great post on Bird Flu. The impact on the U.S. poultry industry will be huge. The impact on you and me will be huge:

Can you say eggless cakes and bread and everything else?
Can you say dead domestic animals?
Can you say quarantine?
Can you say closed schools, agencies, businesses?
Can you say economic devastation?
Can you say mass panic?

While you still have to handle a bird or animal infected to get the flu, most experts expect it to mutate into a human form. It might. It might not.

She also has a good post about the housing bubble that she feels is currently bursting. It's not happening in Houston, so far as I can tell. But we haven't really had a bubble either--more like a slow and steady march upward.

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