Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Cindy Sheehan: Susan Sarandan Lands Plum Part

Betsy at Betsy's Page asks if anyone can think of a more annoying actress than Susan Sarandan to play Ms. Sheehan in the latest best idea Hollywood has to offer.

That set me to thinking. One commenter nominated Chuck Norris to play the President. I nominate him to play Cindy (beardless of course).

Then, I thought that Robert Redford would be even better than old Chuck--except he may be too pretty. Look at him sans moustache. The resemblence is unnerving.

These days, you can't find a wrinkled, baggy, life-weary, weather-worn actress in Hollywood. They have all been nipped and tucked and pulled and lifted and smoothed. The only authentic alternative is to cast an actor who is not aging gracefully. This would be an avante-garde development in casting and bring more attention to Ms. Sheehan's cause.

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