Saturday, March 04, 2006

Fundamentals: Get Back To Square One

Over at Passionate Users, you'll learn to reclaim your game--by going back to "square one". What many people do as they get more successful is to forget the fundamentals while working on the intricate details.

Have you broken down your game recently? Have you gone back to your methods, routines, standards of practice and either honed them or discarded them?

I practice a method called Neuroemotional Technique. Both Mr. Dr. and me excel at this helping people technique. When we teach seminars for our own Technique The Ocean Method, some other Doctors are surprised at how basic and simplistic we stay. How can you be doing some of the greatest innovations and stay so simple? Well, being a fancy-pants often only benefits the practitioner and not the client. Bored with doing the same-old, same-old, doctors try a little this, a little that and then all of a sudden, the technique resembles a jumble and fails to help as effectively.

The basics matter. Why not go back and work on them and see how your overall game improves.

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