Saturday, March 04, 2006

EdCone Discusses UNC Driving Terrorism

A student with the name Mohoammed ran down nine people on the UNC campus and is being charged with attempted murder. Is it terrorism? Is it "nutjobery?" Does it matter?

One commenter who vaguely knows the mad-cap driver said that he didn't seem to be crazy but his actions indicate otherwise.

Here is my question: Who gives a rats ass about his motivation? His actions should be taken into account. Same way with Andrea Yates. She heard voices. She killed her kids--crazy or not the damage is permanent.

Does this sound harsh? The law gets into all kind of trouble when trying to divine what was happening upstairs in the perpatrators noggin.

Trying to murder innocent people is by definition, crazy. Whether the crazy is socially acceptable or not, it's still crazy. Can we let all the psychobabble associated with mind-reading the criminal go, please? It's useless.

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