Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Single Women Owning Houses With No Spouses

Charmaine Yost talks about the social trend of women in their 30s unmarried (who want to be married) who own houses and some who buy sperm to go with the house. I think a lot of young people are encouraged to "get their education" before settling down. On the face of it, that's good advice. But often, the richest social network is in college. After that, it becomes more difficult to mix with a suitable peer group--educated like you, interested in your interests, etc.

There's also this societal pressure to "have fun while you're young". Young being defined as in your twenties. Bah! I had fun in college. Why the push to be an eternal juvenile once you graduate? Will Farrell, the pathetic old guy still in college is now the rule more than the exception. Kids taking six years to finish school end up at 24 before they get out. Then they move back home, hang out with friends and generally act pathetic. And this is expected by their parents and even a little encouraged.

Does a mature woman or man want to "date" a mooching, basement dweller? Uh no. But she might put up with being a "friend with benefits" or some other euphamistic term for what our finger-waving mothers called, "drinking free milk from an un-paid for cow." (I always hated that saying.) By the time the guy (usually guy) "finds himself" he goes back to the college campus to find some dummy to wow.

A woman can end up thirty, no problem, and not be married. She has a job, buys a house and wonders if she'll ever find a man. Or better yet, finds that she's pretty happy with her life and she's not quite sure she's interested in being with a man. I call it the Queen Elizabeth Syndrome: a woman can get distracted from her goals by a man therefore men are verboten.

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