Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Joakin Noah: Superstar

Pitino says Noah needs another year of college experience. NBA recruiters say, "Oh really?"
For the record, Noah had 3 assists. I predicted 4. Sometimes I'm right.

Christine Brennen of USA Today pulled a line from me:

A bit overcaffeinated (or perhaps it's just a case of ants in your pants), [emphasis added, ed.] Noah is a delight to watch. When he goes out of the game, he won't sit down on the bench. He stands and jumps on the balls of his feet, the physical equivalent of saying, "Coach, put me back in."
And the Mercury News stated my view too: Florida isn't just for Football anymore. Basketball rocks!

If NBA ball was played the way Billy Donovan coached his team, I'd get cable to watch it. What fun to see a well-coached team with players who do what they're asked.

Basketball is the best sport ever when played like it's meant to be played. Mmmmmm, basketball.

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