Sunday, March 04, 2007

Ann Coulter & Bill Maher Speak For Whom?

I didn't blog about either of these people (Coulter or Maher) in the last week. Why? This is why. I'm so glad Jeff takes this on.

Here are a list of questions that cause me to switch the channel or quit reading:

  • Do you believe you made a mistake?
  • Do you denounce.....?
  • Any permutation of the above.
I don't care if one damn person denounces the Dixie Chicks or Bill Maher or Ann Coulter or the commenters at HuffPo or on and on. People are free to speak. People are free to draw their own conclusions from the speech.

I do care if Jimmy Carter supports murderous tyrants and the Left supports him.

I do care if elected politicians go to Davos and denounce America and the Left supports him.

I do care if elected politicians denigrate the military and the Left supports him.

I do care if an elected politician writes nasty notes to underage men and the Right supports him. (Oh, that's right, they didn't. I didn't.) Interestingly, the Left didn't support him either.

There are times to denounce and there are time to denounce. I'd like it if everyone could learn the difference. I'm so sick of the politically correct speech police I could just puke. [Update: Okay, that's a bit strong. I'm just really, really tired of it.]

1 comment:

The Sanity Inspector said...

Well said. I however, did feel the need to deplore Coulter's remark, more in disappointment than in anger.