Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Most American Muslims Assimilated, A Significant Minority Want To Kill You UPDATED Lutherns Too


Iowahawk reports on a poll of Lutherns. This is significant:

Kohut pointed to one of the study's key findings that only 29% of all respondents agreed that "bloody, random violence against infidels" was "always" or "frequently" justified, versus 56% who said such violence was "seldom" or "never" justified. The approval of violence rose slightly among younger Lutherans and when the hypothetical violence was targeted against Presbyterians, but still fell well short of a majority.

"The only demographic cohort we saw where murderous random violence had a majority support was among 18-35 year old male followers of the Wisconsin Synod," said Kohut. "And that was barely above the margin of error. Even then, fewer than half (41% to 46%) said they would personally volunteer to carry out the violence themselves."
Well, I'm just happy about the majority. Focus on the positive, you know?


Says Ace:
"Overwhelming majority." 26%-69% on the terrorism justified vs. never justified question amoung young Muslim American males.

Again, I was more hoping for something like a "unanimity."

I ask of Mr. Hooper: Would he feel relieved if I told him right now 69% of young non-Muslim males opposed, but 26% supported, killing you and fellow Muslims due to our anger at their foreign policy?

I don't think so. I think he'd call that "hatred" and "backlash."

So I'm not getting why he thinks that we should be happy that only one in four young Muslim men are open to murdering the rest of us.
Ace goes on to illustrate how the media, and the polling company itself (Pew), obscure the important data for politically correct ends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ace goes on to illustrate how the media, and the polling company itself (Pew), obscure the important data for politically correct ends.

And how & why Islam marches onward to its triumph.