Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sexy Lefty

Nearly every day, John Hawkins posts links to hot looking girls in bikinis. Even the venerable Instapundit resorted to sexy links in the ostensible name of French politics.

Well, men, they need equal time, don't they? In this cheesecake world, men don't get their fair share of superficial lascivious attention. Time to change that.

The hottie of the day is leftist in the extreme. He actually moved to France when all the whiners talked about it. No matter. He's hot. He can have a brain the size of a walnut, that's not why anyone loves Johnny. We love Johnny because his swashbuckling saunter is nice, isn't it? Aye matey!


Anonymous said...

Will's next issue of Rolling Stone may not make it to his desk intact. My office walls will be nicely decorated, though...ha!

kal said...

He was great as a swashbuckler, a scissor-handed freak, a platoon soldier, and an eccentric chocolatier. But I think he was even better as a revenge seeking slasher in Sweeney Tood - and his Golden Globe last night seems to back me up.