Thursday, January 10, 2008

Writer's Strike

The Writer's Strike hasn't bothered me content-wise although I do feel bad for all the people who are losing their jobs while the entertainment business is out of business. It seems that writers may have picked the worse possible time to strike. No one may want their product when they return, if you believe these numbers. People are moving to on-line entertainment.

Welcome, friends!


Anonymous said...

I have been apathetic, at best, about the product on regular television for the last few years (since West Wing went off air), and we don't have cable. Maybe the strike and the resulting migration to internet will motivate a higher quality product. Let's hope!

Anonymous said...

hkh, cable isn't that much better these days. (And for me, it was Firefly instead of West Wing.) With my current cable hookup, I am paying over $50 a month for:

Court TV's Cops marathons...
TV Land's Andy Griffith Show marathons...
Discovery's Mythbusters marathons...
TLC's Flip this House and Little People, Big World marathons...
History Channel's "Reliving The Sixties"...
Weather Channel's "All Global Warming, All the Time!"...
SciFi Channels "SciFi Original Movie" crapola marathons...
And all the News channels' "24/7/365 CAMPAIGN 2008 COVERAGE!" marathons...

Chalmers said...

in the end, it is sad that what they are fighting over is Internet money that may or not exist. When people post clips of The Office on youtube, NBC loses money, when people watch The Office on NBC claims it makes no money... So which is it, and how many writer's families will pay the price for yet another ridiculous union strike? Fair wage for a fair day's work...?