Thursday, February 07, 2008

Today''s Links

Hi all, I thought I save you the laborious trouble of having to click over to Conservative Grapevine to see what I thought was important enough to share:

James Lileks is on a roll today. He takes on the idea that America Sucks!

What would a Barack v. McCain race look like? Just One Minute tells you.

The Arch Bishop of Canterbury (yes, they still have one and yes, he still wear a pointy hat) believes that sharia in Britain is "inevitable". Blue Crab Boulevard shares the sordid mess.

Shrinkwrapped discusses the liberal war strategy. Dust, be afraid, be very afraid!

Isn't the Democrat party the party of the people? Right. If you're a Democrat Super Delegates will decide your sorry ass fate. Patterico explains what that means.

Jeff Goldstein shares with the moderate NPR audience why conservatives loath McCain.

And we should all start thinking about VPs since Romney has bailed from the race. The Anchoress names Heather Wilson. Who?


Dr. Steve said...

Melissa, that is one hot picture. Man I would love to get your personal information so we could get together next time your on the east coast. I can't believe there is a such things as a hot blond conservative. I thought they were a thing of the past.

MaxedOutMama said...

Does Romney's getting out mean that he couldn't be VP?

After all, Bush the elder chose a guy who wasn't in the race at all - Quayle.

This is a pretty depressing presidential election. I think we'd be well advised to be worrying about Congress, and those elections. Also we'd be well advised to bug our senators and representatives. That's where a lot of what matters will be fought out.

Personally, I strongly suspect that if Obama gets in we'll see a world of gridlock. Most of the overt positions by Dems in the last decade have been firmly founded on the comforting theory that adults will stop them before they can possibly be implemented. It is going to be a terrible shock to Pelosi and Reid if they get a Dem president.

Melissa Clouthier said...


I agree with you. It's time to look to Congress. Those critters are going to have to sober up, but then again, maybe not.

Romney as Veep: I just don't see it. Too many people dislike him, too. Let's hope that Huckabee's ass-kissing doesn't get him the job. Some have floated Fred Thompson. I think he might be an ideal choice. Personality-wise, he's the antithesis of McCain. I've also heard of Michael Steele. That'd be interesting, too. I like him.

Time will tell.