Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Zoo Pictures

What the heck! Thought I'd share a good Zoo day with you folks. Oh and one cool Astros picture for good measure.

Babies with their mamas and bodily functions seem to hold everyone's interest. The elephant is 18 months old and was stomping through the food and trying to get out of the fence to the people. They seem so social.

Even a fearsome beast like a Bengal tiger seems less imposing when in disposed.

The bear responding to our cooing and baby talk, just like a dog. His ears perked up. He turned and watched us as we left and seemed genuinely sad to see us go.

I know, I'm anthropomorphizing, but isn't that what everyone does at the Zoo?

For the record, the Astros won.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I took my children a few weeks ago and we saw so many babies. It was wonderful. One monkey group had a tiny baby still hanging on her mother. It was precious! No matter how old a person get...or how old children get, the zoo is just a great place to go.