Friday, March 03, 2006

Cliff Clavinism & Other Factoid Disorders

Update: The "guy" who wrote the funny post emailed me and linked back. His name: Mark Daniels. A kind welcome to Mark's readers. While not as funny as Mark, there is some stuff you might like around here: world-changing opinions about Health Care (not funny at all) and Naked James Bonds (mildly amusing), to name two topics. Thanks Mark!

Through a link with Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit, I laughed out loud reading about a guy who has the disturbing, "Did you know?..... " disorder.

When we were first married, my husband was the king of strange minutiae. I do believe I've out-trivialized him, now. Grad school did me in--I became a health care smarty pants. The internet has added to my insufferableness.

A group of mothers discuss the size of their children's heads, "Did you know that the bigger the head, the smarter you are? Current MRIs confirm this," I say.

Mothers complain about being forgetful, "Actually research shows that nursing mothers ability to remember short term is greater than at any time of their life and easily surpasses men."

And then The Lord of the Rings came out. We bought the Trivia game. My sister and husband, who know quite a bit about the movies having seen them all a couple times each are no match for me. Not one wrong answer, yet anyway. I can't help it! I love Tolkien!

The Internet has fed my love for arcane knowledge. Did you know, for example, that Calico Jack (aka John Rackham) is a well known pirate not for his escapades but his sexploits with Anne Bonney and Mary Read on board his ship. It's sordid. I know this because my son had a report in his 2nd grade class and was assigned this pirate. I had to sanitize Calico's record to make it 2nd-grade worthy.

Anyway, for those of us not-so-closeted nerds, the computer revolution, specifically the internet, has been both our addiction and 12-Step program. Bloggers, especially can gorge themselves on information and then blog about it.

"Hello, my name is Melissa Clouthier and I'm a blogger."

"Hello, Melissa."

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