Monday, March 06, 2006

Houston, We Have A Problem

I have written about the problem Houston has had integrating their New Orleans neighbors. These poor, unfortunate souls have brought all the urban blight that made life in NOLA so bleak with them to the Bayou City.

It's not good.

Houston has got problems, to be sure, but it is one thing: a city that works. The unemployment rate is 5.4%.

When a Democrate Houston City Councilwoman says that the newcomers need to "get a job", she means it.

What, ultimately, will be done with these people? Houston is starting to tire of the crime and mooching of these people. It's been six months.

One of the transplants told Mayor Nagin that he needed to hire a PR firm for the Katrina Survivors. How about just changing your actions? Attitudes will follow. The city was warm and caring and open and idealistic. Those from NO are managing to undo the view in a relatively short time.

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