Friday, November 17, 2006

Baby Naming

What's the weirdest baby name you've ever heard? I went to school with a Charmin Whipple. I kid you not. I felt sorry for her.

Betsy talks about weird baby names in England--the most egregious being "Arsenal". Can you imagine? There's also six Gandalfs. Now, don't tell my husband, that name would be enjoyed in these parts. A Peaches Honey Blossom, too. Awww......


SC&A said...

Remember that Bill Cosby routine, where he says for the first 9 years of his life he thought his name was 'Idiot!'?

Anonymous said...

Never met one, but I've always felt that Chlamydia would be a pretty entertaining girl's name.

Christine said...

I went to school with a girl named Candy Cain.

Anonymous said...

Dear Melissa,
I don't know if you ever read National Lampoon in the antideluvian days.But they had a column ,purportedly by Grace Slick-recall she named her son "god".She and "frank Zappa' brainstormed to get names for celebrity parents;they came up with "Turd" as one no MCP had used.
On my side,Mary Mc CArthy in "Birds of America" has a scene where a young man with an unusual name,tells a young woman,what a great ice breaker it's been for him.I agree.
Best wishes,Colin